
Morello / Francel / Faller - Living is easy, mostly

RELEASE: 18.3.2022 FM 324 – CD, Vinyl, Stream & Download

Morello Francel Faller

Drei Freunde, die sich über Jahre in verschiedensten Formationen um die Welt bewegt haben. Drei extravagante Exponenten der europäischen Jazz- und Weltmusik-Szene.

In diesem neuen Trio kommen sowohl ihre herausragenden individuellen Qualitäten als Spieler, als auch ihr blindes Zusammenspiel zur vollen Geltung. Intimes Interplay, facettenreiche Grooves, virtuoser Erfin- dungsgeist und kunstvoller melodischer Kontrapunkt kennzeichnen das Ensemble. Dass sich alle drei auch als Komponisten profiliert haben, spiegelt sich im abwechslungsreichen Programm ausgewählter Eigenkompositionen wieder.

Die Musiker berichten: „Die Songs sind größtenteils in der Zeit entstanden, als wir an diesem Album gearbeitet haben. Wobei Arbeit eigentlich kein treffendes Wort für unser lustvolles interaktives Spiel ist.“

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Philip Catherine / Paulo Morello / Sven Faller

CD Cover Pourquoi, Philip Catherine, Faller, Morello

"Pourquoi" is a composition by Philip Catherine lending its name to the second studio encounter with his guitar confrere Paul Morello and bassplayer Sven Faller. 

A "Pourquoi" which  - yes, you read this right - is written without a question mark.  A little word play by the jazz guitar master Philip Catherine and that those who know him will certainly recognize, as he also is a witty man, in life and on stage.  A living, young-at-heart jazz legend turning eighty in 2022. A musician who is appreciated as a national hero in Belgium, the small country with the great jazz scene.

These three top artists perform with a virtually natural flow, stylistically assured through all genres, at times vivaciously swinging, at others contemplative and condensed like a film score.  

After their first album "Manoir de mes rêves" and In over fifty concerts,  Catherine, Morello and Faller have let their trio art and repertoire mature. Like a good wine.
They have developed an interplay of chamber-music-like quality,  avoiding cheap 'guitar battles', concentrated on constantly listening and reacting and completed by  Faller's double bass with a sure pulse and canon-like counter melodies.

While the debut album centered around the trio's admiration for Django Reinhardt, Antonio Carlos Jobim, and jazzy interpretations of French chansons from the 50s and 60s, "Pourquoi" puts original compositions into focus. With the exception of "First Waltz" by Belgian film composer Frédéric Devreese (1929-2020) and the Mediterranean-like "Frontera" by Nicola Andrioli, the repertoire of "Pourquoi" is written by Catherine and Morello.

The music of this trio masters the art of evoking places, persons and moods so intensely,  that they all of a sudden become familiar, even when you have never tasted the wine at "Chateau Plagne", nor having met "Louisella".

The evocative vividness and atmospheric intensity of this music is largely due to Philip Catherine, the great melodist and 'chansonnier' of the jazz guitar, who can, as Paulo Morello states "make the guitar sing and sound like nobody else".   A melodious excellence which embraces the whole trio and penetrates each solo, from Catherine's unique sound, lyrical phrases and  groovy sense of swing, to Paul Morello who adopts the more acoustic and Brazilian part on this album.

What had begun with a jam of the two guitarists at the backstage of the "International Jazzwoche Burghausen" in 2010 has - twelve years later, and without a question mark -  grown into one of the best trio settings Europe has to offer.  Live and on two albums.


CD Sambop by Paulo Morello

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"Paulo Morello's Sambop has such a rich personality that is reflected in every note. You guys have really brought out a sense of the people of Brazil through the notes!"
-- Billy Cobham

Contact Paulo Morello:

phone: (+49) 162 101 2982

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